Head & Jaw Clinic
Headache, Jaw and Dizziness
If you suffer from any of the following, you may benefit from an appointment with our Head & Jaw Clinic:
Persistent Headaches, Migraines or head pain
Vertigo (dizziness)
Dysequilibrium (altered balance)
TM (Jaw) Dysfunction
Post-Concussion Syndrome
Initial appointments in these areas require an hour for in-depth assessment. Please specify when making your appointment which area you need treated.
Headaches & Migraines
Headaches and Migraine are debilitating for any of us who have had the occasional problem. To live with them monthly, weekly, daily is almost unbearable.
Traditionally, headaches and migraines have been treated with drugs by the Medical profession with no permanent benefit and increased dependency.
Tania is a Certified Watson Headache Practitioner and Amanda has completed Level 2 competency through Dean Watson PHD, Watson Headache Institute. We are lucky to have the world renowned and recognised leader in the assessment and management of Headaches originate right here in Adelaide.
For the effective management of headaches and migraines people generally require up to 5 visits over 3 weeks and then at less frequent intervals after that until the headache or migraine has gone or improved to a manageable level. This investment
in your long term management of your headaches; if you think we can help with the treatment of your headaches or migraines, call the clinic to make an appointment.
Vertigo & Dysequilibrium
Have you had:
dizziness or vertigo
reduced balance
"fogginess" in the head
falls or a bump to the head
"jiggly" vision
reduced concentration?
You might benefit from an assessment by Melissa Smith, our "Dizzy Physio".
Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction
TMD is any problem that is associated with the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ).
The most common symptom is pain in the jaw joint, but can also include:
clicking or popping
muscle spasm or tenderness
bite & alignment problems
headaches behind or around the eyes
pain that radiates to the ear, temples, neck or upper shoulder
locked or stiff joint
facial deformity
Jaw problems do not go away on their own so please call and ask to book an appointment with Kate if you believe you could benefit from her expertise. ​
Post-Concussion Syndrome
Post-Concussion Syndrome can include one or more of the following symptoms :
headache, dizziness
unsteady gait
altered behaviours and moods
Cognitive impairment or reduced concentration
Sleep/wake disturbances
It is recommended by the International Consensus Statement of Concussion in Sport that individuals suffering a concussion receive Active rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation is vital for quicker recovery and return to sport/work/school, and helps prevent the complications of multiple concussions. Our physiotherapists are able to help diagnose Post Concussive Syndrome, and commence you on your path to recovery.